Head full of dreams

#ONMAYBODY: Jumpsuit from Sammydress
Im in a constant battle with myself. Before you think:”oh no”, let me explain. We live in a world where people have expectations. From” What kind of work do you do”, “how much money do you earn”, “who are you hanging out with” to “how do you look like”, I know you have heard all of them. The worse thing is that everyone is different and we still keep comparing everything and everyone. Thing is, I am trying to live with a thought of that this life I am living is MINE and nobody else’s’. Which comes to my point of being in constant battle with myself; I want to live the best life I can have, but I am overthinking everything. So annoying! Do you have any tips on clearing a full mind? 🙂
Ik snap je helemaal! Laatst ben ik weer begonnen met mediteren via een app, Stop Breathe & Think, om wat rustiger in mijn hoofd te worden.